Dec 18, 2019
Holly Hammond is no ordinary educator. She is responsible for a classroom of all 4th and 5th grade boys with diagnosed learning disabilities. “I am a huge advocate for boys. So many boys are in special education and many who only experience a traditional school environment, end up dropping out during high school,” explains Hammond.
Horizon Academy’s goal is to provide students with the tools necessary to become successful learners in academia. Educator’s like Hammond are using evidence-based methods like the Orton-Gillingham approach, Multisensory Math and the Concrete-Representational-Abstract method to teach our students. “It is researched-based and it works. I have seen my students make clear growth and they feel more confident and empowered,” says Hammond.
Holly Hammond has an M.A. in Special Education and was previously a District Behavior Specialist. She brings her expertise and experience to her classroom every day. Hammond states, “when behavioral issues inevitably arise, I look for the motive behind the behavior. Does the student need redirection, clear instruction, attention, or a break?”
Hammond started her career at Horizon Academy as a teacher’s assistant and was promoted to a homeroom teacher for the 2019-2020 school year. Starting as a teacher’s assistant allowed her to observe the school philosophy and teaching strategies before implementing them as a lead teacher. She shares, “it was helpful being able to familiarize myself with all of the strategies being used in the classroom.” Hammond then took part in the Orton-Gillingham and Multisensory Math Educator Training offered over the summer. “I am becoming an expert in my field and it's making me a better teacher.”
Educators like Holly Hammond are ensuring that students at Horizon Academy become effective learners, confident self-advocates, and productive members of the community. She is creating a safe, caring and empowering environment through her experience and trainings. It is with educators like Holly Hammond that we will change the trajectory of our students.