Preparing for Back to School Using Executive Functioning Best Practices - Horizon Academy

Preparing for Back to School Using Executive Functioning Best Practices

Aug 01, 2024

Preparing for Back to School Using Executive Functioning Best Practices

At Horizon Academy, we want to help you and your family reduce stress and increase the likelihood of success during what is a traditionally hectic time of year known as “back to school”. Here are some Executive Functioning Best Practices to give your child the smoothest transition possible this year!


Have a family meeting with your kids. How are they feeling about returning to school? What are they looking forward to? What is worrying them? What needs to happen to be ready by the first day? For some students having a countdown until school starts is a wonderful idea; for others, not so much. Making a checklist of all things to do/get done before the first day of school may help alleviate anxiety your child may have. By openly talking as a family about it, parents can help their kids feel comfortable and supported about how to tackle a big transition - together. Starting the conversation and prepping now will pay dividends for the rest of the school year.


It’s time to start transitioning to new bedtimes and wake-up times before the first day of school, gradually going to bed and waking up earlier. Our bodies take time to adjust to new schedules and getting adequate sleep is a foundational element for success. If your child can start using an alarm, go for it! Start creating a list of the steps needed to both wind down at night and walk out the door in the morning. Practice makes permanent, so begin practicing nighttime and morning routines.


Buying school supplies can be overwhelming. It’s the perfect time to work with your child on planning and organizational skills. Go through the supply checklist from school together and make a plan. Giving yourself and your child plenty of time to do everything that is needed can reduce stress. 


When your child gets home from school, they need a landing pad and when they get ready to leave for school, they need a launching pad. Where will your stuff from school go once you get home? Is there a designated place for it? Can you create a particular spot where everything needed for the next day is prepared and ready to go long before it’s time to leave for school, maybe even the evening before? 


Set up daily routines to make school mornings successful, including a backpack checklist. In the evening, look over your child’s planner and schedule with your child. What homework is due? Is there an item needed to pack for after-school activities, like a swimsuit or instrument? Did you pack a lunch? Use the checklist and get things ready the night before to avoid rushing in the morning.


Work with your child to set up routines around homework before school begins. Decide where homework will be done and set up the space with everything that is needed including lighting and writing utensils. Decide when homework will be done. Is it to be completed before screen time? Before or after dinner? Set up a routine so your student knows exactly what is expected and have them participate in making these decisions.

Use Executive Functioning Best Practices to give your child the smoothest transition possible this year during back-to-school time.


Talk to your student now to set boundaries for the school year. Boundaries you set may include setting curfews and/or bedtimes or setting parameters around screen time. Anticipate what will help your student be successful, set boundaries in important areas before school ever starts, and stay consistent.


Have a family calendar that is posted somewhere all can see. This calendar has all family activities and important dates and times accessible in one place. Teach your children about time management, planning, and organization as you put this together and refer to it weekly.


We know kids love summer. Is there something that you did as a family that you particularly enjoyed? Can you put together a plan for exactly how you can extend that summer fun into your school year? Perhaps a fun “reward” for everyone working hard and staying on track each month? Plan it and put it on the family calendar! 


Please use these Executive Functioning Best Practices to give your child the smoothest transition possible this year during back-to-school time. These same strategies can be applied to any transitional time you and your family are experiencing. It works for students like ours who have dyslexia, but Executive Function Skills are extremely valuable in school and in life and can benefit all of us. If you want to read another relevant blog post about Executive Function Skills, check out the following link: Ten Essential Skills You Have Never Been Taught

Dani Winders, Marketing & Communications Manager at Horizon Academy

Teri Truog, Lower School Lead Teacher at Horizon Academy

Horizon Academy empowers students diagnosed with dyslexia and other language-based learning disabilities to become effective learners and confident self-advocates. We are the only school west of the Mississippi River certified by the Orton-Gillingham Academy. Orton-Gillingham (O-G) is the gold standard for teaching students with dyslexia. Orton-Gillingham Academy Website


